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Quick start

Really Quick Start (update)

Just use the latest version of the DBSnapper container image, provide the minimum required DBSNAPPER_SECRET_KEY and DBSNAPPER_AUTHTOKEN environment variables necessary to run DBSnapper in Cloud mode, without a configuration file.

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e DBSNAPPER_SECRET_KEY=XXX -e DBSNAPPER_AUTHTOKEN=YYY --rm --network dbsnapper --pull always dbsnapper build dvdrental-cloud

This command does the following:

  1. It pulls the latest version of the DBSnapper Agent container image from the GitHub Container Registry,
  2. It mounts the host Docker socket. This is optional, but necessary for ephemeral sanitization operations requiring Docker-in-Docker (DinD) support.
  3. Passes the DBSNAPPER_SECRET_KEY and DBSNAPPER_AUTHTOKEN environment variables to the container
  4. Runs the dbsnapper build dvdrental-cloud command to build a snapshot of the dvdrental-cloud target defined in the DBSnapper Cloud.
  5. If a storage profile is defined in the DBSnapper Cloud, the snapshot will be uploaded to the configured storage provider.

Quick Start

In this example we will create and restore a database snapshot.

Initialize the configuration file

Run the config init command to create an example configuration at ~/.config/dbsnapper/dbsnapper.yml

dbsnapper config init

Configuration file initialized to default values

secret_key: d3d234bc83dd4efe7b7329855ba0acc2
working_directory: /Users/snappy/.dbsnapper
    postgres: postgres:latest

Check the configuration and environment

Next, we can check our configuration and required dependencies. This runs some checks to verify the configuration file is valid and reports on the database tools found in the path as well as Docker engine and database image availability.

dbsnapper config check

dbsnapper config check output

Checking DBSnapper Configuration
   Config file ( /Users/snappy/app/dbsnapper/cli/dbsnapper.yml ) found and loaded
  🔵 Postgres Local Engine (pglocal)
     psql found at /Applications/
     pg_dump found at /Applications/
     pg_restore found at /Applications/
  🔵 MySQL Local Engine (mylocal)
     mysqldump found at /opt/homebrew/bin/mysqldump
     mysql found at /opt/homebrew/bin/mysql
  🔵 Postgres Docker Engine (pgdocker)
     Docker client connected
     docker.images set in config file
     docker.images.postgres set in config file
       Found Docker image: postgres:latest
  🔵 Mysql Docker Engine (mydocker)
     Docker client connected
     docker.images set in config file
     docker.images.mysql set in config file
       Found Docker image: mysql:8.0-oracle
   All supported database engines configured
   DBSnapper Cloud connected

   Configuration OK

Add target definitions

Add one or more databse targets to configuration file. Here we define an app target with a src_url specifying the source database and a dst_url specifying the destination database

Defining an app target definition

      src_url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:15432/app?sslmode=disable
      dst_url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:15432/app_snap?sslmode=disable

Danger: Destination database dst_url will be DROPPED and RECREATED

A database specified on the dst_url will be DROPPED and RECREATED when the load command is used

List targets

Now that we have a target defined, we can list all targets with:

dbsnapper targets

This command will also check the size and connectivity status for each target defined in the configuration file.

DBSnapper Agent UI - All Targets
DBSnapper Agent UI - All Targets

Build a snapshot

Now we're ready to create our first snapshot of the app target which can be done with the build command:

dbsnapper build app

This will connect to the database using the native dump utility and will create a dump of all data in the database.

List snapshots for a target

Once you've successfully built a snapshot, you can list all the sanpshots for a target with the following command (note the singular target command):

dbsnapper target app

DBSnapper Agent UI - Target Snapshots
DBSnapper Agent UI - Target Snapshots Example

Load a snapshot

If a dst_url is defined in the target definition, you can load a snapshot to the destination using the index on the snapshot list.

dbsnapper load app 0

Danger: Destination database dst_url will be DROPPED and RECREATED

Remember, the database specified on dst_url will be DROPPED and a new empty database with the same name will be CREATED prior to loading the data from the snapshot!