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DBSnapper provides support for several Cloud Storage Engines that allow you to use your own private cloud storage provider to store your database snapshots keeping them in your control and secure.

Cloud storage engine configurations can be specified on the DBSnapper Cloud and in the configuration file under the storage_profiles section. These storage engines can be used with sharing targets to retrieve shared snapshots from cloud storage.

Cloud Storage Engines

Supported Cloud Storage Engines

Currently supported Cloud Storage engines include:

  • Amazon S3
  • Cloudflare R2
  • Minio
  • Digital Ocean Spaces

Getting Started

To get started with using a cloud storage engine, you will need to configure a storage_profile in your DBSnapper configuration file. The storage_profile configuration specifies the cloud storage provider, credentials, and bucket information for the storage engine.

AWS S3 configuration examples

    provider: s3
    access_key: <access_key>
    secret_key: <secret_key>
    region: <region>
    bucket: dbsnapper-test-s3

    provider: s3
    awscli_profile: dbsnapper_credentials
    bucket: dbsnapper-test-s3

  # Share target
    name: shared-s3
      storage_profile: s3-from-awscli-shared-profile
      dst_url: postgres://localhost:5432/dbsnapper_test

In the example above we have two storage_profiles configurations for AWS S3. The first configuration s3-with-provided-credentials explicitly specifies the access key, secret key, region, and bucket for an S3 storage engine. s3-from-awscli-shared-profile, on the other hand, indicates that we want to retrieve the credentials from the dbsnapper_credentials AWS shared configuration profile as specified in the awscli_profile field.

We have also defined a share target configuration on line 19 that uses the s3-from-awscli-shared-profile storage profile to access shared snapshots from the dbsnapper-test-s3 bucket. These shared snapshots will be loaded into the dbsnapper_test database as specified in the dst_url field on line 23.