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DBSnapper Agent Installation

The DBSnapper Agent is available for Mac and Linux with several ways to quickly install the Agent on your system.

DBSnapper Agent User Interface
DBSnapper Agent User Interface

Releases Page

Our releases are available on the DBSnapper Agent Releases Page. You can download the latest release and view release notes from this page.

Docker Images

One of the easiest ways to get started with DBSnapper is to use the Docker image. The DBSnapper Agent is available as a Docker image on the DBSnapper Agent Packages Page. You can pull the latest image using the following command:

docker pull

And run an interactive shell with the following command:

docker run -it /bin/bash

MacOS Universal Binary

MacOS users can install the Universal Mac package available on the DBSnapper Agent Releases Page. This package is designed to be compatible with various MacOS versions and hardware architectures, including both Intel and Apple Silicon chips

Homebrew Tap

Get the latest release with Homebrew

brew install dbsnapper/tap/dbsnapper

Debian, RPM, and APK Packages

For Linux users, dbsnapper can be installed using the .deb, .rpm, or .apk packages, depending on your Linux distribution and architecture. You can download these packages from the DBSnapper Agent Releases page.

Here's an example of how you can install dbsnapper using a Debian package:

  1. Download the Release: Open your terminal and use wget to download the desired release. Replace 1.2.1 with the version number you wish to install:

Replace the following values accordingly:

TAG with the version number you wish to install,

ARCH with your system architecture, and

PKG_MGR_EXT with your package extension.

This following example installs the dbsnapper package version 1.2.1 for a Linux system with an AMD64 architecture using the Debian package manager.

TAG=2.0.3 && \
ARCH=linux_x86_64 && \
PKG_MGR_EXT=deb && \

  1. Install with dpkg: Once the download is complete, you can install the package using dpkg:
dpkg -i dbsnapper_"$ARCH"."$PKG_MGR"
  1. Verify Installation: After installation, you can verify that dbsnapper is installed by running the following command:
dbsnapper config check

Which will output some useful information about your environment and the dbsnapper installation.

root@snappy:/# dbsnapper config check

DBSnapper Agent - Version: 2.0.3 (9e8b3abde4e0) Build Date: 2024-03-05T21:33:39Z
DBSnapper Cloud: Standalone Mode

Checking DBSnapper Configuration
   Config file ( /Users/joescharf/app/dbsnapper/agent/dbsnapper.yml ) found and loaded
  🔵 Postgres Local Engine (pglocal)
     psql found at /Applications/
     pg_dump found at /Applications/
     pg_restore found at /Applications/
  🔵 MySQL Local Engine (mylocal)
     mysqldump found at /opt/homebrew/bin/mysqldump
     mysql found at /opt/homebrew/bin/mysql
  🔵 Postgres Docker Engine (pgdocker)
     Docker client connected
     docker.images set in config file
     docker.images.postgres set in config file
       Found Docker image: postgres:latest
  🔵 Mysql Docker Engine (mydocker)
     Docker client connected
     docker.images set in config file
     docker.images.mysql set in config file
       Found Docker image: mysql:8.0-oracle
   All supported database engines configured
  ⚠️  DBSnapper Cloud not configured - get an account at

   Configuration OK

Continue to the Quick Start guide to configure DBSnapper and create your first snapshot.